New Jersey Association of Kindergarten Educators
The New Jersey Association of Kindergarten Educators (NJAKE), founded in 1963, is a growing network of concerned professionals who want Kindergarten to be the best possible experience for all children. The members believe that through active involvement in NJAKE they can achieve this goal. We are committed to promote the importance of Kindergarten, to provide an understanding of how children develop and learn, physically, emotionally, socially, intellectually and to create an awareness of the need for developmentally appropriate programs.
Our members include kindergarten teachers, pre-school teachers, primary grade teachers (1st , 2nd , 3rd), special needs teachers, administrators, teacher educators, school board members, para-professionals, student teachers, and child advocates.
Membership provides: reduced workshop and conferences fees, including our annual fall and spring conferences, exchange of ideas at meetings, networking opportunities, support regarding issues and polices concerning kindergarten children and programs, accessibility to vendors and exhibitors at state meetings, a united voice in Trenton with current legislation updates, automatic membership privileges in all county associations of NJAKE with opportunities to attend all county workshops.
This outstanding organization is also affliated with the National Association for the Education of Young Children and New Jersey Education Association.