New Jersey Association of Kindergarten Educators
Technology aligned with Common Core Content Standards for your entire classroom
Common Core Content Standards; A resource for teachers to use to make sure they are including these with thier daily learning objectives in their weekly lesson plans.
Scholastic: Book Order & morePlace your monthly book orders and parent resourcesCommon Core State StandardsThe standards each student need to meet before moving on to the next grade level.
Primary Games: Lets practice typingOur students are familiar with their letters, lets practice those early technology skills by practicing basic keyboarding skills on this web site. Just type in "typing" in the search box.
NASA for Kids : This web site is extremely educational and derived by the experts at NASA Lets travel to space, 3, 2,1...Blast off!
National Geographic for Kids: A fantastic Science & Social Studies resource site for with great short videos.
National & New Jersey Education Association: Great resouces for Parents.PBS-kids educational TV showsMany great characters and many great educational games.
Sesame Street & PBS Kids GamesThis FREE website is a great way to reinforce all basic and foundamental skills in Math and Language Arts if your child is still stuggling.
www.sesamstreet.org www.pbskids.org
National Fire Association presents: Sparky the Dog; Remember to have your child practice, practice and practice some more!Sparky- Fire Safety DogOctober is Fire Prevention month, interact & learn with Sparky.
Starfall: This is a great primary web site to reinforce Language Arts (pre-writing skills), Math (calendar in real time) and Social Studies (holidays).
Up to Ten: Great review for basic skills, holidays & short musical songs from a company for England. This is the class favorite so far this year!
Weather chanelleges for Kids: Weather Wiz KidsA great website for our young meterologist.